February 2nd 2010

IN THE TIME OF THE BUTTERFLIES by Mariano Barroso (95 min) 2001

Based on the novel of the same name, by Julia Álvarez

Click the image at left for more information about the film.

“Women had their place. Hers was in the revolution.”

In the Time of the Butterflies is inspired by the true story of the three Mirabal sisters who, in 1960, were murdered for their part in an underground plot to overthrow the government of Rafael Leónidas Trujillo. Starring Salma Hayek as Minerva Mirabal, this is a tale of courage and sisterhood set in the Dominican Republic during the rise of the Trujillo dictatorship.

“We cannot allow our children to grow up in this corrupt and tyrannical regime, we must fight against it, and I am willing to give up everything, including my life if necessary.” ~ Patria Mirabal

“It is a source of happiness to do whatever can be done for our country that suffers so many anguishes.” ~ Minerva Mirabal

LAS MARIPOSAS (The Butterflies)

Patria Mercedes, Maria Teresa and Minerva Argentina Mirabal

Click on the image at left for more information.