Wednesday, November 3rd 2010 – Veterans Film Night
LEARNING TO SEA by Ziggy Livnat (45 min) 2003 Narrated by Martin Sheen A Different Point of View A comparative visual exploration of animal evolution and behaviors in two seas separated by over 7000 miles. Three years in the making, “Learning to Sea” is a multiple award-winning documentary exploring the evolution of marine life in the Red Sea and the Caribbean Sea. With never before seen footage and amazing portraits of sea creatures, this underwater voyage immerses us in a vibrant, liquid universe creating compassion for the preservation of our marine ecosystems. werhgf fgjkkllllkjhh WELCOME VETERANS! VETERANS PRESENTATION 6:30 pm Cinnamon Bay Campground, St John Please join us before the show as we honor veterans from the VI and beyond. Distinguished guests will include members of Team River Runner, as they are hosted by our local American Legion Post 131. Click to read about TRR on St. John. Click for a video of TRR on St. John.